Thursday, February 23, 2012
Water Pollution Statistics 2012
Prevent Water Pollution effect and Ways
Prevent Water Pollution effect and Ways Although assertive accustomed processes may account some bulk of baptize pollution, anthropogenic furnishings account baptize corruption the most. We charge to use baptize everyday, both in our industries as able-bodied as our homes. We get this baptize from groundwater sources, rivers, and lakes. Best of the baptize we use - and corruption - finds its way aback to one or added of these baptize bodies.
The acclimated baptize from agronomical and automated practices, and domiciliary use, all comes calm to accomplish carrion or wastewater. If carrion accustomed to breeze aback into baptize systems after actuality treated, it causes pollution. The attenuated baptize bodies abuse all life, humans, beastly and plants. Baptize additionally gets attenuated due to apparent runoff from industries, agronomical acreage and burghal areas, which breeze anon through storm-water drains into baptize systems after any treatment. The auctioning of carrion is a above botheration in developing countries area there isn't able sanitation in ample areas, appropriately accustomed ache causing bacilli and bacilli into sources of water. However, developed countries too accord to baptize pollution; bodies generally even biologic and actinic articles bottomward their toilet, abacus to the actinic amount of wastewater and sewage.
Effects of Water Pollution on Environment
Indian and American Effects of Water Pollution on Environment and Human body with Animal life Water occupies one-third of the earth's surface. They abide in the anatomy of seas and oceans, icecaps, snow, baptize vapor, etc.
Underground water, pond baptize and basin baptize are potable. But why is baptize so necessary? Imagine for some reason, your ancestors gets alone one brazier of baptize accustomed for a week. Would you be able to administer with the bound bulk of water? Do all bacilli crave water? The afterward branch will aloof acquaint you how admired is baptize for adaptation of all active things on earth.
The affection of baptize activated and captivated is an important agency that determines the abundance of the active things in the world. The attenuated baptize is the account for abounding waterborne diseases, which affects bodies and consumes their lives. These attenuated baptize bodies not alone apple-pie out the population, but additionally leave abaft abominable bloom problems that cannot be treated. So, it is important to apperceive the accent of apple-pie baptize and additionally the bad furnishings of attenuated water.Indian Industrial Water Pollution effect on Human Body
Indian Industrial Water Pollution effect on Human Body and Animal Water abuse is acquired by discharge of calm or burghal sewage, agronomical waste, pollutants and automated effluents into baptize bodies. Nowadays, one of the basic sources of baptize abuse is the decay actual absolved by automated units, accepted as automated baptize pollution. Decay abstracts like acids, alkalies, baneful metals, oil, grease, dyes, pesticides and alike radioactive abstracts are caked into the baptize bodies by abounding automated units. Some added important pollutants accommodate polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) compounds, lubricants and hot baptize absolved by ability plants. The pollutants unloaded into the baptize bodies usually deliquesce or abide abeyant in water. Sometimes, they additionally accrue on the basal of the baptize bodies.
Another important pollutant, that can endanger abyssal life, is the oil agitated by oil tanks. As per the estimates of the United Nations, 1.3 actor barrels of oils are agitated annually into the Persian Gulf, and about 285 actor gallons are agitated into the oceans every year.
Ocean Pollution Real Facts
Large argosy accustomed awkward oil are amenable for Ocean Pollution abuse to a abundant extent. Oil spills are above contributors in this context, followed carefully by adventitious ore degradation by argosy alteration ore. Oil spills are categorized into above spills (over 700 bags ), medium-sized spills (7 - 700 tons) and baby spills (less than 7 tons). In 2010, the oceans witnessed 1 above oil discharge and 7 medium-sized oil spills. On an average, back 2011, the oil discharge calculation has appear bottom ward to 3.4 oil discharge incidents per year, but alike one above oil discharge is chancy for the abyssal life.
Only about 20 percent of ocean Ocean Pollution abuse is acquired by ocean based activities. Alike from this 20 percent, the above addition comes from cruise ships. Statistics acknowledge that an boilerplate sized cruise address produces about a actor gallons of decay baptize in a week. The incidents of oil spills are bottom compared to incidents of debris auctioning by cruises, and appropriately cruises are admired as the best communicable factors, but one above oil discharge can advance to bags of oil actuality dumped in the baptize anatomy accession to abundant added abuse than what a distinct cruise address can possibly do.
Ocean pollution effects on sea animals
Ocean pollution effects on sea animals Ocean pollution effects on sea animals about 45 percent of ocean baptize abuse is acquired by abyssal transportation, while 32 percent is acquired by loading, discharging, and bloom of oil tankers. On the added hand, the ocean abuse acquired by accustomed seeps, which is the above accustomed pollutant, accounts to alone 8 percent of absolute ocean pollution. Oil spills, which are estimated to be abutting to about 100,000 metric bags annually, are above pollutants of ocean water.Ocean animals abuse is chancy for abyssal life. Oil agitated in oceans is adverse for all forms of abyssal activity including apricot reefs, fish, and abyssal plants. Apricot reefs are in actuality the affliction afflicted as boundless ocean abuse and all-around abating abuse to clean them off the planet aural a few added years. Ocean animals abuse leads to burning of oxygen attenuated in water, which in about-face makes it difficult for assorted sea animals to breathe underwater. Bodies are not larboard out the chancy furnishings of ocean animals abuse as abyssal activity is a above antecedent of aliment for humans.
Many several causes of ocean sea animals pollution, and anniversary account in about-face has several adverse furnishings on assorted activity forms. Activity forms afflicted by ocean abuse accommodate bodies as well, but again it's the bodies who accept a ascendant role in abuse of water, air, and land. Discussed beneath are some of the arresting ocean abuse causes, and their furnishings on marine activity forms and humans.
Saturday, February 18, 2012
Gaseous pollutants effect on human and Gaseous pollutants source
Carbon monetize (CO) : Carbon monoxide liss a colorless,odourless gas that is produced by the Incomplete burning of carbon based fuels Including petrol, diesel, and wood. It is also produced from the combustion of natural and synthetic products such as cigarettes. It lowers the amount of oxygen that enters our blood. The carbon monoxide 96.5% as heavy as air and is not soluble In water. Carbon monoxide shows the human reflexes and make us confused and sleepy. Carbon Dioxide (CO2) : The carbon dioxide is the principal green house gas emit as a result of human activities such as the burning of coal, oil and natural gas Sulphur dioxide (SO2) : It is a colorless gas with a pungent odour This gas produced from burning of coal, mainly in thermal power plant. Some Industrial processes, such as production of paper and melting of metals, produce suphurdioide It is a major contributor to smog and acid rain. sulphurdioxide leads to lung diseases.
Noise pollution on human health and Sources of Noise or Sound pollution
Sound pollution and pollution due to radioactivity sources. It's consequences including human diseases Sound Pollution Noise pollution is defined as the state of discomfort and restlessness caused to human by unwanted high intensity sound known as noise. ''High pressure sound or high intensity sound termed as 'unwanted sounds is called as noise It causes discomfort to human beings and interfere with their efficiency. Sound levels are measured in decibels (dB). It is a unit for expressing the relative intensity of sound on a scale from 0-130 dB. In a modern society sound often,annoys. Many sounds are unpleasant or unwanted and this is
classed as noise.
classed as noise.
Noise Levels Below Mention with (db)
Sound Sources Decibels(dB)
- Thershold Hearing 0
- Normal Breathing 10
- Sound of very quite place 20
- Whisperig 30
- Sounf of Room and office 40
- Restaurant or Night traffice noise 50
- Normal Conversation 60
- Automobile 80
- Water fail at base 90
- Air traffic up to 300 m hight 100-110
How to solve Waste Disposal Problem in India
From the Pune Muncipal area daily 1000-2000 MT( metric tonne) solid wake generated. This waste ls not segregated. The one municipal authorities allocates 65 ha. Area for disposal of waste near to Urali-Devachi village. The disposal site have facing various environmental problems due to improper disposal strategies i.e air,water and noise pollution. The disposal area is not used further disposal of this waste. Pune municipal authorities search for new disposal site. Increasing growth of population in the last few decades, there has been a shift in the population from rural area to urban area in the country and abroad. The increasing urbanization leads to social and environmental problems. Problem of urbanization discussed below. Composition of Solid Waste ln Urban Areas
Item and percentage
Item and percentage
- Paper, wood, cardboard 53%
- Garbage and garden waste 22%
- Glass, crocked ceramics 10%
- Metals 8%
- Plastic, rubber, distended textiles and abandoned vehicles 7%
- Population size of urban area is high. Each Indian generates 0.4 Kg. solid waste per day. solid waste increases with increasing population.
- Affluent solely (means society per capita income is high) more demands for fashionable items and goods, which is also cause of solid waste.
- Industrial wastes (paper), waste from research institutes (biological waste), hospital waste (bio-medical waste, surgery skin) are the sources of urban waste.
- Demolition and construction waste from residential area,commercial and industrial building.
- The garbage from markets Includes vegetable waste, fruits 'and waste food from restaurants, hotels and commercial buildings solid
Indian Urbanization : Urbanization is a movement of population from rural to urban area and the resulting increasing proportion of population that resides in urban rather than rural place according to Anderson (1953 : 11) urbanization is a two way process. It involves not only movement from village to city but changes from agricultural occupation to business, trade, services and profession, but it involves change in migrants."industrialization and urbanization begin at a time. The problems like crime, alcoholism, drug, abuse, over crowding and pollution begin with early urbanization. However, the definition of 'city' or 'urban area' is differ in countries. Example : In Japan only 3,000 population is required for the place to be recognized as urban. It is 20,000 in Netherlands. In India, the urban population is in 1971 is 109.11 million, in the year 1981 it was 160.1 million, and in 1991 it was 217.18 million. It became 291 million by March 2001. According to UN projection 45.2% people in india (630 million) will be living in urban area, by the year 2025.
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
City Pollution Effect on Animals
Water Pollution Effect on Animals is a change in the properties of Water due to contamination by microbes, hazardous substances and other foreign particles. More type of water pollution. Water sources of Water Pollution Effect on Animals are either natural or man-made. Natural sources are less harmful compared to hazardous chemicals generated by on animal activities. Other all chemical present on the surface can travel underground and cause Water Pollution. Water in chemical depends on the chemical type, soil porosity and hydrology.
Friday, February 10, 2012
Indian soils types and soils pollution effect
Soil is made up of crumbled rocks. Three natural forces-wind, flowing water and emperature-weaken the rocks and break them into pieces that are like small stones.These pieces are called the parent material because soil is formed from this material. In India, a wide range of soils is found. On the basis of the natural environmental processes that produce them, these can be broadly divided into two groups, in situ soils and transported soils (formed by the transport of eroded material. The in situ soils get their distinguishing features from the parent rock.
Saturday, February 4, 2012
Singapore population 2012
How to control Singapore population 2012 Singapore will grant more foreign born children citizenship, hoping to boost a rapidly ageing population.Babies born abroad to Singapore women married to foreigners will have the right to citizenship.Singapore's birth rate is below the 2.1 children per woman needed to replenish its stock. Baby making has become a priority in Singapore, where women gave birth to 1 26 babies, on average, in 2003 the lowest In the nation's history. The proportion of childless couples has tripled since 1980 to 6%. This is the most dramatic step since the baby shortage debate in 2004.
Population in polish cities
The Polish Government is preparing a programme to prevent the decline. Today if the assumptions do not change and married couples and the population In Poland are going to carry on until 2030 as has been assumed, the population is going to decline by 2.5 million. The situation will unfavorably affect the country's development. It will cause a degeneration in the ratio of those in employment and those living from old-age and disability pensions.
New 2012 Family Planning in China and India
The Ratio of baby girls if baby boys in China bas dropped further below the international stander ed the result, critics say, of its controversial "One-child policy" which in some cases has led to selective abortion, infanticide and the abandonment of baby girls In the 1980s, China launched a program aimed at slowing its ever increasing population growths by discouraging parents from having more than one child, using both incentives and penalties to enforce the policy.
How to control Abortion in India
How to control Abortion in India with only one pregnancy in three carried to term because of the prevalence of abortions, India birth rate has fallen to critical levels, women of child being age are having an average of 1 3 children each lower than the normal level of 2 3 and closer to the critical floor of 1 1. In the 1990s, India population has decreased by close to 2% with 2.8 million fewer people, according to official figures. Deaths far outpace bas by a ratio of 14 7 in 1,000 compared to 8 4 any 1.2 million children are born each year in Russia well below the 2 million needed to keep the population at existing levels.
How To Control population growth in USA
As the world population continues to grow geometrically great pressure is being placed on arable and, water, energy and biological resources to provide an adequate supply of food whale maintaining the Integrity of our ecosystem. According to the World Bank and the UN. from 1-2 balloon humans are now malnourished, indicating a combination of Insufficient food, low incomes and Inadequate distribution of food. This is the largest number of hungry humans ever recorded In history. In China about 80 million are now malnourished and hungry. Based on current rates of increase. the world population is projected to double from roughly 6 balloon to more than 12 billion in less than 50 years As the world population expands, the food problem will become screamingly severe, conceivably with the numbers of malnourished reaching 3 billion.
Human population control in India
Based on their evaluations of available natural resources, scientists of the Royal society and the US national Academy of sciences have Issued amount statement reinforcing the concern about the growing imbalance between the world's population and the resources that support human lives. Reports from the FAO of the UN, numerous other international organizations, and scientific research also confirm the existence of this serious food problem For example, the per capita availability of world grams, which make up 80% of the world's food, has been declining for the past 15 years. With a quarter million people being added to the world population each day, the need for grams and all other food will reach unprecedented levels Water is critical for all crops which require and transpire massive amounts of water during the growing season For example, a hectare of corn will require more than 5 million liters of water during one growing season This means that more the 8 million liters of water per hectares must reach the crop. In total, agricultural production consumes more fresh water than any other human activity Specifically, about 87% of the world's fresh water is consumed or used up by agriculture and, thus, is not recoverable Competition for water resources among Individuals, regions, and counties and associated human activities is already occurring with the current world population About 40% of the world's people live in regions that directly compete for shared water resources In China where more than 300 cities already are short of water, these shortages are intensifying Worldwide, water shortages are reflected in the per capital decline in legation used for food production in all regions of the world during the past 20 years. Water resources, critical for legation, are under great stress as populous cities, states, and counties require and withdraw more water from overs, lakes, and aquifers every year A major threat to maintaining future water supplies is the continuing over-draft of surface and ground water resources.How to control population in india
Scientists worry that rapid population growth will over nests the earth's natural resources and crowd out undomesticated plant and animal species. All people want to be fed, clothed, housed, and have access to clean water. To meet these requirements, water, land, forests, and other natural resources must be exploited to some degree. As population increases, more resources are needed to meet basic requirements. More forest must be cut down to provide wood for housing and fuel. More cleared land is needed for agriculture and development. All of these resources are finite. More than 99% of the world's food supply comes from the land, while less than 1% is from oceans and other aquatic habitats. The continued production of an adequate food supply is directly dependent on ample fertile land, fresh water, energy, plus the maintenance of biodiversity. As the human population grows, the requirements for these resources also grow. Even if these resources are never depleted, on a per capital basis they will decline significantly because they must be divided among more people.
Simple ways to control population growth
At the same time as people consume these resources, they produce waste that is put back into the air,land and water. The greater amount of waste from larger populations puts more stress on ecosystems. Even if markets function with perfect efficiency, and the best technology is always used, it will take more resources to support a larger population than a smaller one, and the environmental costs of doing so will probably be higher as well. It is true that the highest population growth rates are found in developing countries. However, because affluent countries consume more resources, they remain the primary contractors to certain global like global warming. The G7 nations, the US, Canada, Britain, France, Germany,environmental problems like global Japan, and italy represent only 10% of global population but consume over 40% of the earth's fossil fuels as well as most of the world's commodities and forest products. Because consumption rates are so high in these counties, even small increases in population can have a significant impact. The US, in particular, continues to have a higher rate of population growth than most of the other industrial countries.increasing the nation's environmental impact.
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