Saturday, February 4, 2012

How To Control population growth in USA

As the world population continues to grow geometrically great pressure is being placed on arable and, water, energy and biological resources to provide an adequate supply of food whale maintaining the Integrity of our ecosystem. According to the World Bank and the UN. from 1-2 balloon humans are now malnourished, indicating a combination of Insufficient food, low incomes and Inadequate distribution of food. This  is the largest number of hungry humans ever recorded In history. In China about 80 million are now malnourished and hungry. Based on current rates of increase. the world population is projected to double from roughly 6 balloon to more than 12 billion in less than 50 years As the world population expands, the food problem will become screamingly severe, conceivably with the numbers of malnourished reaching 3 billion.
Human population control in India
Based on their evaluations of available natural resources, scientists of the Royal society and the US national Academy of sciences have Issued amount statement reinforcing the concern about the growing imbalance between the world's population and the resources that support human lives. Reports from the FAO of the UN, numerous other international organizations, and scientific research also confirm the existence of this serious food problem For example, the per capita availability of world grams, which make up 80% of the world's food, has been declining for the past 15 years. With a quarter million people being added to the world population each day, the need for grams and all other food will reach unprecedented levels Water is critical for all crops which require and transpire massive amounts of water during the growing season For example, a hectare of corn will require more than 5 million liters of water during one growing season This means that more the 8 million liters of water per hectares must reach the crop. In total, agricultural production consumes more fresh water than any other human activity Specifically, about 87% of the world's fresh water is consumed or used up by agriculture and, thus, is not recoverable Competition for water resources among Individuals, regions, and counties and associated human activities is already occurring with the current world population About 40% of the world's people live in regions that directly compete for shared water resources In China where more than 300 cities already are short of water, these shortages are intensifying Worldwide, water shortages are reflected in the per capital decline in legation used for food production in all regions of the world during the past 20 years. Water resources, critical for legation, are under great stress as populous cities, states, and counties require and withdraw more water from overs, lakes, and aquifers every year A major threat to maintaining future water supplies is the continuing over-draft of surface and ground water resources.

Population Control in Agenda
Diseases associated with water rob people of health, nutrients, and livelihood This problem is most serious In developing counties. For example, about 90% of the diseases occurring in developing counties result from lack of clean water Worldwide, about 4 billion cases of disease are contracted from water and approximately 6 million deaths are caused by water borne diseases each year When a person is ill with diarrhea, malaria, or other serious disease, anywhere from 5-20% of an individuals food stake offsets the stress of the disease.
Fossil energy is another prime resource used for food production. Nearly 80% of the world's fossil energy used each year is used by the developed counties, and part of It is expended in producing high animal protein diets The intensive farming technologies of developed counties use massive amounts of fossil energy for fertilizers, pesticides, legation, and for machines as a substitute for human labor.

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