Sunday, December 18, 2011

Disadvantages of Nuclear Power

1. India developed the capability and technology to harness energy from radioactive elements such as uranium, thorium.Production of radioactive elements and management of nuclear waste arised from nuclear power stations are the major problem associated with our nuclear power program.
2. The radioactive debris and dust get mixed into the atmosphere due to accidents In the nuclear power plant E g Chernobyl nuclear accident on April 25, 1986. Such type of accidents highly threatens the plant and animal life.
3. Leakage of Radioactive substance from nuclear power plantcreates carcinogenic and mutagenic impact on human health.
4. Skilled operators and careful plant supervision at 24 hours required to avoid its bad Impact on human health and environment.
5. No nuclear power plant having hundred percent leakage proof.
6. International restrictions on import and export of nude fuels.

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