Sunday, December 18, 2011

Sources of Water Pollution

Main Sources of Water Pollution 
Water is one of the most important environmental resource essential for the survival of life and the important element in the Bio shpere It helps in circulation, movement and cycling of nutrients which is found in various phases and storage such as
I) Liquid phase - Ocean, Seas,   Lakes and Rivers.
II) Solid phase - Glaciers , Icecaps, Icesheets
It is Pointed out that only one percent of the total amount of water is  available from various sources to biotech life including man.

Ground water is the largest source as improvises the largest amount of water which is being used at every walk of life water. Water has multi uses i.e drinking water, water for industries, irrigation, power generation, navigation and even disposal of sewage 'Rivers are our life lines' this statement itself suggest its importance.River vallie: are the cradles of the old civilization where it grows It is only because of availability of water. In India 80% of its population lies in 15 river vallies Use of water in  percentage is given below for Indian contest Still most of the urban centers and rural areas are facing drinking  water problem. even after 50 years of  Independence lndians are not fortunate to obtain pure and safe drinking water. Water
problem is one of the most important crises on global as well as national level. More than 60% of Indians do not have clean safe and pure water to drink. 
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How To Control Child Labour in India

Total Villages in India (5.86,000) 72 crone population from rural sector only depend upon ) part of national GNP (Gross National productivity) All this population working In Agro and Agro based Industries. India's 26 crone population living below poverty line25% population of below poverty line having no cultivable land. Unemployment In India is basically structural and its proportion is going on increasing Ministry of Rural Development plans to give employment for one unemployed In a family from the year 2005-06. The scheme is introduced in 200 districts of India where unemployment is high. This optimistic programme reduces 50% population of below poverty line.

How To Control Child Labour ( How To Control Child Labour in India )
Child Labour and Child Marriages : The traditional outlook of poor families especially the people of below poverty line using the services of young children for only earning Instead of sending them to school. Much of the child labour is exposed to hazardous work for long hours The Indian Constitution bringing the Child  Labour Act in 1986 for prevention of child Labour According to Article 24, no child below the age of 14 year shall be employed to work In any industry or in any hazardous employment.
The Mumbai has the largest number of child Labour In capital Delhl 60,000 children are working in ''Dhabas', tea-stalls and restaurants on daily wages of Its. 8 or Rs. 10. The majority of the working children are engaged in rural area also 60% of them are below the age of 10 years. The glass Industry of Firozabad In Uttar Pradesh, of the total workers of Industry (2,00,000) 50,000 workers are children According to Artical 39   of Indian constitution childhood and youth are protected against exploitation and against moral and material abandonment. Daily 236 new employees shafted to lumbar, majority of them are working as Labour Millions of the children from the poor families in the developing and underdeveloped countries Example : Asian countries, South Africa etc have to john the Labour force for economy. According to ILO Survey In 1995 South Africa with 26.3% and Asia with 13% of child labour In age group of 10 to 14. India's child Labour contribution is 15% (Hindustan Times June 23, 1996) Child Labour is overcome as a key social problem In metropolitan cities of India Extreme conditions of poverty unemployment.
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How To Control Child Labour in Mumbai
How To Control Child Labour in Maharashtra

Disadvantages of Nuclear Power

1. India developed the capability and technology to harness energy from radioactive elements such as uranium, thorium.Production of radioactive elements and management of nuclear waste arised from nuclear power stations are the major problem associated with our nuclear power program.
2. The radioactive debris and dust get mixed into the atmosphere due to accidents In the nuclear power plant E g Chernobyl nuclear accident on April 25, 1986. Such type of accidents highly threatens the plant and animal life.
3. Leakage of Radioactive substance from nuclear power plantcreates carcinogenic and mutagenic impact on human health.
4. Skilled operators and careful plant supervision at 24 hours required to avoid its bad Impact on human health and environment.
5. No nuclear power plant having hundred percent leakage proof.
6. International restrictions on import and export of nude fuels.

Advantages of Nuclear Power

1. The radioactive elements like uranium 235, thorium having highest potential of power generation than any other sources with minor environmental impact.
 2. After burning of 1 carbon atom 4 ev energy is generated, whale uranium 235 atom generates 200 million eV. In comparison with
carbon it ls more than 5 cror tames greater. Again two to three atom uranium generated from chain reaction which generate again useful energy.
3. In the world, of the total power generation 16% power generated by 440 nuclear reactor. ne France harness 78% power from atomic energy.
4. Careful operation is required when nuclear reactor in process. 

Friday, December 16, 2011

Industrial Problem on Rural Areas

  • Industrial Problem on Rural Areas
  • Industrial Problem on Rural Areas company
 Industrial Problem in Rural Area : Abundant and clean availability or natural resources turns industrial moment in rural area. From last few decades the cold drink manufacturing industry established their plant in rural area. In this context village "Placmada" in Kerala fights movement against coca-cola factory. Water is principle factor of these produce. For that they pumping ground water at alarming rate. The ground water level in this village reaches to 700 to 800 feet. Water shortage within campus of village largely affected agricultural areas even drinking water scarcity. Honorable Supreme Court put restrictions on-the utilization of ground water. Providing  solar cookers to 30 million families, 3 million biogas plants, 5 million solar lamps, 2 million solar street-lamps, 1 billion solar water heaters along with targeted to electrify 18,000 villages with solar energy. 

Urban Pollution Main source

Urban Problems : Degraded my quality water pollution, unavailability of land,solid waste etc. affect the living standards of urban people. The enlisted urban problems are as follows.

 Unsafe drinking water and water scarcity : Water is life, water is death. Human body contains 70% water. A human being survive without food but water deprivation (shortage) can kill a person withe few hours. Water sustains life, it can also become a cause of death if contaminated. Unsafe drinking water and inadequate sanitation facilities causes 80% of all diseases in the developed and developing countries, where as much as 90% of waste water is discharged into environment without any treatment It has been estimated that 50 to 100 Lak people died every year from diseases caused by poor and contaminated water. Of the total world population, 18% population consumes unsafe drinking water. According to WHO (World Health Organization) report the fresh water requirement is 135 liters per capita but slum dwellers having Inadequate supply of water i e 15 to 20 liters.

Inadequate Sanitation Facilities : majority of people in slum having a problem of housing. The basic facilities e.g sanitation,housing, health etc. required for decent living affected by poor economic condition. The second world water conference held In "Heg" targeted to reduce 50% world population who lacks safe drinking water and total sanitation facilities by the year 2015. For that the developed and developing countries generate fund of 200 billion dollars from world wide.

Real Impact of population growth

1. Modem technologies exploit the natural resources at alarming rate and deteriorates the environmental quality.

2. Industrialized agriculture more demands for energy sources for equipments. It has been estimated that words 8% energy sources i.e oil used in Agri-sector 
3. Energy availability is a backbone of economic development For achieving economic stability developed countries consume highest non-renewable resources.
4. Overpopulation carried more stress on agriculture for food production which is basic need of human. expanded agro-area reduced forest cover and disturb ecological balance high lost important flora and fauna.
5. The rate of natural calamities is incensed with increasing population. Example : Flood Drought.
A. Rapid industrialization more demands for resources. Natural resources utilized by greedy way creates more damage to environment. E.g. Global arming add rain, green house effect
7. Heavy utilized pesticides in the Agri-sector enters into food chain through biological magnification. Over irrigation of land creates problem like soil salinity water logging and  alkalinity of soil.
8. Over population leads to social problems in urban area are poverty unemployment, child labour stress on civic amenities such as electricity waler and solid waste.Impact of human activities on Environment The process of industrialization and urbanization begins at a time. This flow borrowed from western countries After independence the policy makers have deeded poplar development of metro polit an dales as a result much of industrial areas concentrated in the urban areas. Example : lumbar, Kolkata, chennai Delhi. These industrialized sectors generate much employment, attracted employees from rural sector to urban area. It has been estimated that 236 new employees per day admitted to Mumbai for employment As a result of urbanization creates serious social and environmental problems such as total sanitation drinking water,slum dwelling population growth health problem,solid waste,illiteracy unskilled and unemployed population.
The UNESCO, UNO World Bank and ministry of Environment suggest remedies of arising problem. They planned to development of industries in rural areas. but the research report based on problem of industrialization in Rural Areas'' states that rural area also facing problems of air, water, sound pollution and health calamities Human induced activities creates impact over local environment of the metropolitan city such as coastal water pollution,destruction of mangroves forest in estuaries, construction within
flood prone zone. Example : Mitti raver in Mumbai.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Thermal pollution and Effects of Thermal pollution

Number of industrial processes may utilize water for cooling From cooling process, resultant warm water has been discharged into water bodies.Generators which run on fuel like coal or oil and automatic energy plants causes waste heat on large scale which is carried away as hot water that causes thermal pollution.

Thermal pollution can be defined as Presence of large amount of waste heat in the receivig water which cause: harmful effects in natural environment's Most often the term thermal pollution is used for detrimental effect of heated discharges. It do not involve the impairment of purity neither heat is pollutant. Raising or lowering of temperature leads the impairment of environmental air or water quality. Abut 80% of total water with drawn for industrial orations is used for cooling only. The industrial plants that contribute the thermal loading of surface water with prime concern are : 1) Thermal plants ii) Nuclear plants. Steam electric power plants alone with its discharge in water increases 6* to 100 temperature of receiving water. Some times negative thermal loading also takes place during hydel power generation. About 18 percent more heat is required to cooling water nuclear power plants than fossil fuelplants.

Municipal sewage, steel plants. cement factories are also the constrictors of thermal pollution, sewage without treatment discharges into canal or steams. Domestic sewage normally has higher temperature than the receiving water which raises stream temperature to a measurable extent. Increase intemperately of receiving water decreases the dissolved oxygen level of the same hence anaerobic conditions please foul gases. The aquatic organisms which depend on the dogtrot the water will die Heated industrial effluents when discharged into river, lake. ponds or sink also have similar effects and chats instability to aquatic ecosystem.

Effects of Thermal pollution :
Life process involves many reactions, which varies accordingly temperature changes. It also influences on physiology,digestion, Rate of respiration and reproduction is condoned by
1) Aquatic animals are affected on large scale by thermal Pollution Particularlyfish population and fish species due to Potential  hazards
2) Surface watery are the habitat for wider variety of flora and fauna of which. existence and survival depend on aquatic environment.
3) Concentration of dissolved oxygen depend on temperature of surface water. Increase in surface water temperature decreases dissolved oxygen. eg. DO.
4) The rate of biochemical reaction and PH is determined by temperature of water.
5) sharp and sudden changes in surface water temperature have destructive effects on aquatic ecosystem. D.O. Concentration at 0.C is 14.6 ppm which at 35% is 7.1 ppm.
6) Increase in temperature leads metabolic and respiration inference in biotic. Sometimes death due to failure of nervous system take place.
7) Reproductive mechanism gets affected and duranal seasonal behaviour of organisms gets changed. 
8) Higher the temperature of surface water.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Air Pollution effect on Human Body

Air Pollution effect on Human Body Consequences of air pollution Including human diseases The air pollutants seriously and adversely affect the human health. Some of the health Impacts of air pollutants are as follows :
Air Pollution and Human Diseases : Tobacco smoke generates a wide range of harmful air pollutants. The affects of tobacco smoking also seen on passive smoker. These are burning sensation in the eyes or nose, throat irritation, cancer, bronchitis, severe asthma and decease lung function.

Biological Pollutants : These are mostly allergens that can cause asthma hay fever and  other allergic diseases. Volatile Organic compounds : Volatile compounds can cause irritation of the eye, nose and throat. If concentration inbred- the health effects like headache, nausea, and loss of co-ordination.

Main Sources of soil pollution

Main Sources of soil pollution : pollution of soil caused by the various sources below mentioned Main Sources of soil pollution Read the carefully.

1. Physical Sources : The physical sources related with soil erosion and soil degradation. The natural factors of soil erosion includes high rainfall, changing temperature, wind, topography factor, lithographic factor, vegetation and soil characteristics. These favors accelerated by human activities
2. Biological Sources : The micro-organisms and unwanted plants degraded the quality and fertility of soil. The soil pollutant biological agent are pathogenic micro-organisms excreted by human beings and animals, enteric bacteria and protozoa. These micro-organisms enter the food chain and thus affect human bodies.
3. Air-borne Sources :  The pollutants released in atmosphere by human activities affect on soil system. Fallout the atmospheric pollutants deposited tonics in soil. Sulphur emitted from factories causes acid rain which lower the PH of the soil. Sulphur dioxide (SOp emitted from the factories in UK and Germany has been responsible for widespread acid rain in the foray; Sweden, Finland. Huge quantity of particulate matters emitted from cement factories lime kilns coal mining, loading and unloading of coal,thermal power plants reach the soil and pollute soil by altering physical and chemical property.
4. Deposition of Solid Waste : Soil pollution involves the deposition of soled waste i e. cans, bottles, plastic containers in soil These components cannot break easily, when these materi accumulated in soil and it interfere organic life.
5. Chemical fertilizes and Pesticides : Excessive use of chemical fertilizers to boost agricultural profusion causes alteration in the physical and chemical properties of soils. The chemical pesticides,insecticides, herbicides destroy microorganisms including useful bacteria and thus lower down the quality of soil significantly. The world consumption of pesticides, Insecticides, herbicides has substantially Increased from 25,030 billion tonnes in 1965-66 to 100,000 billion tonnes during 1980 which shows four-fold increase within a period of 15 years.

Air Pollution Water and Soil Pollution Sources

Air Pollution Water and Soil Pollution Sources and Consequences including Human Diseases Air Pollution Sources.
 Air pollution : AirPollution is defined as Presece of any materials in the air in such a concentration which is harmful to man and environmental Air pollutants can include almost any natural or artificial substance which are air borne as solid particles, liquid droplets and gases of combination of these forms There are hundreds of pollutants have been identified and fall into the following major categories : solids,sulphur compounds, volatile organic chemicals, nitrogen compounds,oxygen compounds, halogen compounds, radioactive compounds and odour.

Sources of Air Pollution : There are two major sources of the air pollution.
(a) Air pollutants from natural sources :  

1. From Volcanoes : Dust, ashes, smoke, carbon-dioxide and other gases.
2. From extra-terrestrial body ; Cosmic dust, dusts produced due to collision of asteroids, meteors, comets etc.
3. From green plants : Vapour through evapotranspiratlon,pollen of plant flowers, carbon-dioxide from bacteria.
4. From land sources : Salts-sprays from seas and oceans, dusts and soil particles from ground surface.
5.Forest fires : Releases pollutants like carbon-dioxide, sulphur-) dioxide etc

(b) Air pollutants from Anthropological or man-made sources : 

1. Automobile : Automobiles are major source of air pollution.The major emission after combustion of fuels are carbon-monoxlde (CO), unburned hydrocarbons (HC), oxides of nitrogen (Noxsulphur- dioxide and other like formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, acrolein bezaldehyde Among these participates, lead is the mayor significant  toxic compound. Indian petrol contains a high percentage of lead,whose emission leads to lung diseases and cancer.

2. Thermal Power Plants : The coal is used for energy generation in Thermal power plants. The fly ash, soot and sulphur-dioxide are major pollutants from thermal power station. The sulphur content of Indian coal is less than one. per cent But this coal contains high i amount of ash, which is in the range of 25 - 40%. Fly ash from power station reduces visibility and contains trace amount of chromium, arsenic, cadmium, mercury, lead and manganese.

3. Fertilizer Factories : Fertilizer plants produces large quantities of air pollutants. Some of these are fluorine, ammonia, sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxides and particulate matters.

4. Textile Mills : The major air pollutants from textile milks are cotton dust, smoke and other combustion wastes, kerosene or naphtha vapours sulphuric acid nitrogen oxide, chlorine, formaldehyde etc. The surrounding of textile milks are generally dusty with deposits of cotton fluff. Continuous Inhalation of cotton fluff causes lung disorders.

5. Nuclear Reactions : During nuclear fission and fusion reactions radioactive substances like U-239 and n-231 are released zn environment. These substances are very long life in 
environment and are not destroyed easily. Generally air pollution results from a variety of causes,not all of which are within human control. Dust storm in desert areas and smoke 
from forest fires and grass fires contribute to chemical and particulate pollution of the air. THE sources of pollution may be in one country but the Impact of pollution may be felt 
elsewhere. The researcher discovers the contents of pesticides in Antartica where they are never been used, suggests the extent to which aerial  transportation can carry pollutants from one place to another.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Environmental impacts of nuclear accidents and holocausts

1. Most lethal hazard on plants and animals because radioactive materials radiation creates mutagenic effects.
2. Nuclear materials spread in atmosphere is deteriorate the composition of atmosphere
3. The atmospheric fallout nuclear materials pollute the water reservoirs. Prevention, Control and Mitigation of Nuclear Accident Disaster The nuclear accidents disaster happen due to technological problems The attending of such technological problems by research and extension works. After radiation some prevention, control and mitigation strategies minimizes radioactivity of nuclear materials.
1. Regular inspection of radioactive system, coolant circulation gives effective and safe condition for nuclear reaction.
2. The technically skilled and experienced human resource for nuclear centers. That's why safe working maintained.
3. Various chemicals used for decontamiate the radioactive waste spilled after accident. For e g EDIA thiourea etc.
4. Keep the nuclear reactors or station in dense area besides populated area.
Hazardous waste Explosion : Hazardous waste explosion is a disaster related with toxic waste disposal system. The toxic waste like heavy metal compounds, chemicals etc. are buried in ditches. The decomposition of tins burial hazardous waste causes explosion There are numbers of toxic chemical used In Industrial processes after while these spent toxic chemicals buried and cause release toxic gases creates disasters. The Love canal dump site occurs a hazardous waste explosion disaster In 1877. The ditches of Love canal near Niagara fall used to dump Industrial wastes. The process of dumping of Industrial wastes continued till 1952. The ground of this dumping site used for residential purposes. The toxic chemicals hidden in the dumped canal suddenly burst during the winter of 1976-77 due to heavy rainfall and snowfall which created severe health hazard of alarming proportion as the newly built suburb ( suffered from high rate of abortions (among the women), blood and liver abnormalities, birth defects and several kinds of physiological

Environmental Impact of Avalanches

1. Large rock avalanches have dammed river and burled towns.
2 Dangers presented by avalanches to mountain climbers,skiers travelers, and residents of mountainous terrain.
3. Avalanches can carry a considerable amount of rock debris with the snow.
4. Avalanches rose a death tolls. March 7, 2003 In Kashmir,avalanche caused by heavy snow kill at least 17 peoples in the area of Indo-pakistan controlled portion Prevention, Control and Mitigation of Avalanches Quervian offered major contributions In the development of avalanche warning systems and methods of treating snow problem. Snow and Avalanche Research Institute, Switzerland built a protective devices against dangerous Impact of avalanches.

Prevention and Control and Mitigation of Tsunamis

Tsunamis are relates with earthquake but the prediction of this type of natural disaster is possible.
1. The prediction of Tsunami generated site gives early warning about this disaster. This minimizes the mortality of people. The pacific ocean countries have early warning system of Tsunamis
2. The mangroves forests arts as a tide absorber. Rich belts of mangroves forests prevent the coastal area from Tsunamis.
3. In the coastal areas communication network system develop This system gives early waning and nature of Tsunamis.
4. Planted the tress in coastal areas. The tress reduces frequencies of tides

5. In Tsunami prone area, disaster management training,programme useful for minimizing such types of disaster.
7. Avalanches : Large mass of rock debris or snow that moves rapidly down a mountain slope, sweeping and grinding everything in its path. An avalanche begins when a mass of material overcomes frictional resistance of a sloping surface, often after its foundation is loosened by spring rams or ls rapidly melted by a foehne (warm,dry wind).

Switzerland's experience for minimizing impact of avalanches

The Alpine mountains have about 10,'000 avalanches annually mer. than 8,000 of them in: February March and April-For centuries village communities relies on forests on the mountain slopes for protection from these slides, since 20-30 years old forest can inhibit or stop avalanches. In addition to that costly amoral structures such as metal barriers, earthen wales, concrete wedges protect the villages. highways and Alpine paths.