Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Why is Water Good for You and How Much Water Do We Need to Drink?

Why is Water Good for You: "How much water our body needs can be calculated by taking your body weight in pounds and dividing that number in half. will provide you with number of ounces of water you should drink everyday. Weigh 180 pounds, Daily need to drink minimum 90 ounces of water per day. need to exercise regularly, should increase the water intake by eight more glasses of water for every 20 minutes you are active. Approximately 20 to 30 percent of water comes from the food we eat and rest from the beverages we drink. In place of soda, herbal tea or sport drinks which contain added sugar, it is always better to drink simple and clean water or natural fruit juices which are rich in vitamins and nutrients.
Always carry a bottle of water while working, traveling, or exercising, to maintain enough water intake in the body. Sufficient intake of clean and fresh water not only improves your overall health but also prevents from several ailments and diseases"

Benefits of Alkaline Antioxidant Water

Acidosis is the process which takes place in our body and affects the health. Lack of exercise is one of the main reasons for body to suffer from acidosis. Benefits of Alkaline Antioxidant Water  body with high proportion of acids and less amount of bacteria, fungi and other harmful microbes in the body. Acid level of the body is therefore, one of major alkaline antioxidant water benefits.

"Proper pH balance is maintained in the body by intake of this water. Rise in the acid levels in our body responsible for problems like heartburn, etc. Alkaline water can therefore, prove to be useful to create pH balance.
critics of alkaline antioxidant water state that this kind of water, touted as cure for many health problems, is nothing but snake oil Alkaline Antioxidant Water critics,After  research pertaining to this kind of water has not been conducted in reputed according to him is just a marketing gimmick. Alkaline antioxidant water should therefore be of very low or no use."

Source : Alkaline Antioxidant Water

Simple steps for save water

 Simple steps for save water 2011 : 

  1. Minimum time spent in the shower.
  2. After use water turn off the faucet while shaving and brushing teeth.
  3. Use washing machines that load from the front.
  4. Include reduced-flow faucets or water saving faucet inserts of aerators in the house or office.
  5. Ensure that leaking or dripping faucets and running toilets are repaired.
  6. Replace old high-flow toilets with ones that save water.
  7. Put up dams in toilet tanks or fill a plastic container or milk jug with rocks and then place it in the toilet tank.

Water Pollution Facts in India

Mumbai,Pune,Delhi there is Lot of industries ares so lot of Water Pollution Facts ares in big city's what is The real situation in Mumbai with respect to water pollution is not very different from that of rest of the world. It has been observed that around 45% rivers in the India are polluted. One cannot use water from these rivers for drinking, swimming or any such activity. rivers are not capable of sustaining aquatic life. Forty-six percent of lakes in India are unfit for supporting aquatic life. Mumbai ocean pollution facts should help gain a greater understanding of the subject matter.

Mumbai Water Pollution Facts are being made to alleviate the problem of water pollution. this problem can't be solved completely; however need to be taken for its mitigation. Considering the pace at which India and other developing countries like USA,Japan and other are growing is necessary to below strict guidelines in reducing water pollution. Mumbai Water Pollution Facts the facts about water pollution mentioned above should prove to be useful.

Mumbai with other Each Rivers in the continent of Asia are considered as most polluted. rivers contain 99 times as much lead found in water bodies of industrialized nations of other continents. Bacteria from human waste found in these rivers are 10 times greater than that of the global.

Source : Water Pollution Facts in Mumbai with Water Pollution Facts in India

Simple Steps to Prevent Water Pollution

Save Daily Water

How can saving water reduce water pollution save water, there is lesser contaminated water to treat, pressure of the same on the resources becomes minimal.

Easy on the Chemicals

All those pesticides and fertilizers that using in garden really harmful and poisonous mixed with water. Prevent Water Pollution Basically, not fit for human consumption. pesticides and chemicals find a way into the water resources and pollute the water further. 

Industrial Pollution STOP :  

Strict laws need to be put into place that state the correct procedures for the discarding of industrial waste. Strict action needs to be taken against those who do not follow the same.

Keep a lookout for discarding. Never, ever throw oil, paints, AND things like that into the sink or the toilet. Water Pollution  line, it mixes with the water sources and adds to the contamination. Prevent Water Pollution to know what water pollution is before we get any further into the prevention of water pollution factor. Water pollution refers to any that changes the composition and the physical, biological or chemical properties of water. Water Pollution can be brought about due to the contamination by harmful substances

Ways to Prevent Water Pollution

Ways to Prevent Water Pollution  U NEED to see to it that the GOVT is stringent about seeing to it that there are adequate treatment plants to treat sewage, and seeing to it that industries have treatment plants and nuclear plants have proper waste storage systems for radioactive and so on, there are many things that we can do individually to prevent water pollution. Given below are a few ways to prevent water pollution: Toxic products like paints, automobile oil, and cleaning products should be stored and disposed off properly. 
Dispose off trash in a proper manner and try and incorporate the recycling habit as far as possible.
Refrain from throwing litter into streams, seas. collect them and dispose off them in any nearby waste disposal system.Also, it is important to keep your automobile well maintained in order to prevent leakages of toxic fluids like antifreeze and oil.
Also, actively conserve water turning the tap off such as while brushing teeth. 
Try using environmentally friendly household products like toiletries, soap-based household cleaning material, and washing powder as far as possible.
Try using natural fertilizers and pesticides as far as possible, do not overuse them or lawns. Reducing the pollutants that get into water systems due to runoffs.
Automobile oil should be re-used as far as possible. 
 No-degradable products like tampons, sanitary napkins, and diapers should not be flushed down the toilet, for these can end up damaging the process of sewage treatment, and usually end up as litter on beaches.
Source : Water Pollution 

How to Stop Water Pollution

Water pollution is one of the leading causes of imbalance in our ecosystem. Water Pollution dangers of this pollution are highly with very few things actually being done for its prevention. see what can we do to change things for the better. Before we get to know about the prevention of water pollution, let us take a minute and understand what water pollution is and what can be done to stop this pollution. 

Water pollution is the contamination of water bodies due to human interference and actions that lead to a disturbance in the cycles of our ecosystem. Water Pollution contamination can take place due to a lot of reasons ranging from improper household garbage disposal to industrial waste or ignorance towards individual habits A simple example. problems in the proper functioning. Same with water pollution.Now that we know what water pollution is, let us move ahead to know what are the causes of water pollution and how we can prevent it. 

Another step towards the prevention of water pollution is to control your habits. Do you flush pet waste or remove it with hosepipe if it's in garden need to stop doing that. Water Pollution actually contributing to water pollution right at home. Pick up the pet waste and throw it off in bin. flush tissues or sanitary napkins Stop it now as this is one of the leading causes of water pollution.
Source :  Water pollution