Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Ways to Prevent Water Pollution

Ways to Prevent Water Pollution  U NEED to see to it that the GOVT is stringent about seeing to it that there are adequate treatment plants to treat sewage, and seeing to it that industries have treatment plants and nuclear plants have proper waste storage systems for radioactive and so on, there are many things that we can do individually to prevent water pollution. Given below are a few ways to prevent water pollution: Toxic products like paints, automobile oil, and cleaning products should be stored and disposed off properly. 
Dispose off trash in a proper manner and try and incorporate the recycling habit as far as possible.
Refrain from throwing litter into streams, seas. collect them and dispose off them in any nearby waste disposal system.Also, it is important to keep your automobile well maintained in order to prevent leakages of toxic fluids like antifreeze and oil.
Also, actively conserve water turning the tap off such as while brushing teeth. 
Try using environmentally friendly household products like toiletries, soap-based household cleaning material, and washing powder as far as possible.
Try using natural fertilizers and pesticides as far as possible, do not overuse them or lawns. Reducing the pollutants that get into water systems due to runoffs.
Automobile oil should be re-used as far as possible. 
 No-degradable products like tampons, sanitary napkins, and diapers should not be flushed down the toilet, for these can end up damaging the process of sewage treatment, and usually end up as litter on beaches.
Source : Water Pollution 

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