Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Water Pollution Facts in India

Mumbai,Pune,Delhi there is Lot of industries ares so lot of Water Pollution Facts ares in big city's what is The real situation in Mumbai with respect to water pollution is not very different from that of rest of the world. It has been observed that around 45% rivers in the India are polluted. One cannot use water from these rivers for drinking, swimming or any such activity. rivers are not capable of sustaining aquatic life. Forty-six percent of lakes in India are unfit for supporting aquatic life. Mumbai ocean pollution facts should help gain a greater understanding of the subject matter.

Mumbai Water Pollution Facts are being made to alleviate the problem of water pollution. this problem can't be solved completely; however need to be taken for its mitigation. Considering the pace at which India and other developing countries like USA,Japan and other are growing is necessary to below strict guidelines in reducing water pollution. Mumbai Water Pollution Facts the facts about water pollution mentioned above should prove to be useful.

Mumbai with other Each Rivers in the continent of Asia are considered as most polluted. rivers contain 99 times as much lead found in water bodies of industrialized nations of other continents. Bacteria from human waste found in these rivers are 10 times greater than that of the global.

Source : Water Pollution Facts in Mumbai with Water Pollution Facts in India

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